Everything You Need to Know About Intelligent PDUs


Power distribution units (PDUs) are essential pieces of equipment that are used to distribute power from a single source to multiple devices such as servers and switches. An intelligent PDU is a more advanced version of this traditional PDU. It allows users to monitor and control their power usage for greater efficiency and cost savings. 

In this blog, we'll explore what intelligent PDUs are, why you should use one, their benefits, the types available, and how to choose and implement them.

What is an Intelligent PDU?

An intelligent PDU is a specialised device designed to monitor and measure electrical power, as well as regulate its distribution among connected components. An intelligent PDU is usually used in mission-critical applications such as data centres, where power usage needs to be monitored closely. With an intelligent PDU, users can keep track of exactly how much electricity each device is using, from real-time data and alerts which helps them ensure that their system isn't overloading or underperforming.

Why Should I Use an Intelligent PDU?

There are several reasons why you should consider using an intelligent PDU instead of a traditional one. For starters, they allow you to get a better understanding of your energy consumption patterns while also helping you save money in the long run. By monitoring your usage with an intelligent PDU, you can identify areas where you're wasting energy or where there might be potential for improvement. This will help you become more efficient with your power usage and reduce costs in the process.

Another advantage of using an intelligent PDU is that it can help protect your system from overloads or short circuits by automatically cutting off supply when necessary. This reduces the risk of damaging your equipment due to accidental overloads or other problems related to improper use or maintenance issues. 

Key Features of Intelligent PDUs

Intelligent PDUs can be monitored remotely via web-based interfaces, SNMP, or other management systems. This allows you to monitor power usage and identify potential issues in real-time.

Intelligent PDUs can provide detailed information on power usage, such as voltage, current, power factor, and energy consumption. This data can be used to optimise power usage and reduce costs.

Intelligent PDUs can control power distribution to individual outlets or groups of outlets. This can be done manually or automatically based on pre-defined rules.

Some intelligent PDUs have built-in environmental sensors that can monitor temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors. 

Benefits of Intelligent PDUs

Intelligent PDUs offer numerous benefits over traditional PDUs, including:
  • Enable system managers to monitor and control power usage more effectively, leading to increased power efficiency and reduced energy costs.
  • Offer real-time monitoring and control of power usage, enabling system managers to identify and address potential issues before they occur.
  • Provide real-time alerts and notifications, helping to reduce downtime and increase overall uptime.
  • Can be easily integrated into existing infrastructure, enabling system managers to scale up capacity and add new equipment as needed.
  • Can help reduce energy costs and improve overall performance, leading to cost savings and a positive return on investment (ROI).

Types of Intelligent PDUs

There are several types of intelligent PDUs, including:
  • Metered PDUs - provide power usage data but do not offer outlet-level control.
  • Monitored PDUs - offer power usage data and outlet-level control.
  • Switched PDUs - offer power usage data, outlet-level control, and the ability to remotely switch outlets on and off.
  • Automatic Transfer Switch PDUs - provide redundant power sources to critical equipment, automatically switching to a backup power source in the event of a power failure.

Choosing the Right Intelligent PDU

When choosing an intelligent PDU, there are several factors to consider, including:
  • Ensure that the PDU has sufficient power capacity to support your equipment.
  • Choose a PDU with the right outlet configuration to match your equipment requirements.
  • Choose a PDU with the monitoring and control features that are most important to you, such as remote monitoring, power metering, and outlet control.
  • Consider if you need built-in environmental sensors for monitoring temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors.
  • Consider if you need redundant power sources to ensure continuous uptime.

When evaluating different models and manufacturers, consider factors such as reliability, compatibility with your existing infrastructure, ease of installation and maintenance, and customer support.

Implementing Intelligent PDUs

Implementing intelligent PDUs requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips for installing and configuring intelligent PDUs:
  • Determine the best location for your PDUs based on your power requirements and existing infrastructure.
  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions for installing and configuring your PDUs.
  • Integrate your PDUs with your existing management systems, such as DCIM, to enable remote monitoring and control.
  • Establish policies for power usage, such as turning off unused equipment, to optimise power efficiency and reduce energy costs.
  • Regularly monitor your PDUs to ensure they are functioning properly and performing optimally.


Intelligent PDUs offer numerous benefits over traditional PDUs, including improved power management and efficiency, enhanced monitoring and control capabilities, reduced downtime, increased capacity and flexibility, and cost savings. When choosing and implementing intelligent PDUs, consider factors such as power capacity, outlet configuration, monitoring and control features, environmental monitoring, and redundancy. 

If you're looking for an efficient way to regulate your power supply and monitor energy consumption patterns in real-time then investing in an intelligent PDU may be the right choice for you. 

If you want to take a closer look at our range of intelligent pdu's click here. If you want to contact or find out more about this blog posts author, Paul Russell, click here.
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