How to Properly Install Dado Trunking: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Properly Install Dado Trunking: Step-by-Step Guide 




Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to properly install dado trunking. Suppose you're a cable and containment installer or a project manager working on building sites. In that case, this step-by-step guide is tailored to give you the expertise you need to ensure a successful installation. Dado trunking is essential in efficiently managing cables and electrical systems within commercial and industrial spaces. This guide will walk you through the installation process, offering expert insights and tips for a seamless experience. 


Why Proper Dado Trunking Installation Matters 

Dado trunking is crucial in creating organised and safe environments by concealing and protecting cables and wiring. Improper installation can lead to cluttered spaces, increased safety risks, and operational disruptions. By following our guide, you'll ensure the smooth flow of electrical systems and contribute to the overall aesthetics and functionality of the space. 


Getting Started: Tools and Materials 

Before you begin the installation process, gather the necessary tools and materials: 

- Dado trunking sections 

- Measuring tape 

- Pencil 

- Hacksaw 

- Cable management accessories 

- Screws and wall plugs 

- Screwdriver 

- Level 

- Safety gear (gloves, safety glasses) 


Step-by-Step Installation Guide 


1. Planning and Measurement 

Start by assessing the area where the dado trunking will be installed. Measure the length required for each section, ensuring precise dimensions. Mark the wall with a pencil to indicate the positioning of the trunking. 

2. Cutting Dado Trunking Sections 

Using a hacksaw, carefully cut the dado trunking sections according to your measurements. Ensure smooth, even cuts for a professional finish. 

3. Positioning and Alignment 

Hold the cut dado trunking section against the wall to check the alignment and positioning. Use a level to ensure that the trunking is straight and even. 

4. Marking and Drilling 

Mark the positions for screw holes along the base of the trunking. Use a drill to create holes for the screws and wall plugs, ensuring a secure attachment to the wall. 

5. Mounting the Trunking 

Place the dado trunking against the wall, aligning it with the drilled holes. Insert wall plugs into the holes and secure the trunking using screws. 

6. Cable Management 

Arrange and organise the cables within the trunking, using cable management accessories to secure them. This step is crucial for maintaining a tidy and efficient wiring system. 

7. Additional Sections (If Needed) 

Repeat the cutting, positioning, and mounting steps for additional dado trunking sections. Ensure a seamless connection between sections for a professional appearance. 

8. Final Checks 

Double-check the alignment and stability of the installed dado trunking. Use a level to confirm that all sections are straight and properly mounted. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. How do I choose the right size of dado trunking for my project? 

To choose the right size of dado trunking, consider the number and thickness of the cables that will pass through it. Measure the length of the cables and select trunking that provides sufficient space for cable management. 

2. Can dado trunking be used in outdoor installations? 

Dado trunking is primarily designed for indoor installations. For outdoor cable management, consider using weatherproof conduit systems.

3. What safety precautions should I take during installation? 

Wear safety gloves and glasses to protect yourself from potential hazards. Additionally, ensure that the electrical power is turned off before working with cables. 

4. Is it possible to paint or decorate dado trunking? 

Yes, dado trunking can be painted or decorated to match the surrounding environment. Use paint suitable for plastic surfaces and follow the manufacturer's guidelines. 

5. Can I install dado trunking on uneven walls? 

It's recommended to install dado trunking on flat and even surfaces for stability and a professional appearance. If the wall is uneven, consider using spacers to achieve proper alignment. 

6. Are there alternatives to screws for mounting dado trunking? 

Yes, adhesive tape designed for cable management can sometimes mount dado trunking. However, screws and wall plugs provide a more secure and reliable attachment. 



Installing dado trunking is crucial in creating organised and efficient cable management systems. By following this comprehensive guide, cable and containment installers and project managers can ensure a seamless installation process. Properly installed dado trunking enhances the space's safety and contributes to its overall functionality and aesthetics. 

Remember, a well-executed installation ensures the proper functioning of electrical systems and demonstrates your expertise and commitment to quality workmanship. 

If you're ready to take on your next installation project, refer to this guide and make the process smoother and more efficient. By following these steps and tips, you'll be well on becoming a dado trunking installation expert. 

If you want to take a closer look at our range of Dado trunking, click here. If you want to contact or find out more about this blog posts author, Dave Dann, click here.
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