Why Dado Trunking is a Game-Changer for Cable Organisation

Why Dado Trunking is a Game-Changer for Cable Organisation 




In the world of cable organisations, innovation often takes the spotlight. One such innovation that has been making waves is dado trunking. This unassuming solution could revolutionise how cables are organised on building sites. Cable and containment installers, along with project managers, are finding themselves drawn to the benefits it offers. This article will explore why Dado Trunking is emerging as a game-changer in cable organisations. 


The Benefits of Dado Trunking 


Streamlined Cable Management 

If not appropriately managed, cable organisation on building sites can be a labyrinth of wires. Dado Trunking steps in as a saviour by providing a streamlined system for cable management. It offers an organised cable pathway with dedicated compartments and channels, ensuring a neat and tidy appearance. 

Efficient Installation Process 

One of Dado Trunking's standout features is its installation process efficiency. The compartments are designed to be easily accessible, allowing installers to insert and route cables with minimal effort. This efficiency translates into saved time and increased productivity on the job site. 

Flexibility and Adaptability 

Dado Trunking is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It has various sizes and configurations to cater to different cable types and quantities. This flexibility ensures that the trunking system can adapt to the specific needs of a project, whether it's a small-scale installation or a more significant undertaking. 

Improved Safety Standards 

Cable organisation isn't just about aesthetics; it's also about safety. Dado Trunking is crucial in maintaining a safe environment on building sites. Enclosing cables within dedicated compartments reduces the risk of tripping hazards and accidental damage, contributing to improved safety standards. 


Installing Dado Trunking: A Step-by-Step Guide 


Step 1: Measurement and Planning 

Before diving into the installation process, accurate measurements and planning are essential. Assess the cable quantities, types, and the layout of the area where the trunking will be installed. This planning phase ensures that you choose the appropriate trunking size and configuration. 

Step 2: Marking and Mounting 

Start by marking the positions for mounting the Dado Trunking. Ensure that the mounting locations are level and appropriately spaced. Once labelled, proceed to secure the trunking using screws or adhesive, depending on the type of installation. 

Step 3: Cable Routing 

With the trunking in place, begin routing the cables through the dedicated compartments. Take care to organise the cables neatly and avoid overcrowding. This step requires precision to ensure optimal cable management. 

Step 4: Securing the Cover 

After routing the cables, secure the trunking cover over the compartments. This step provides a clean finish and ensures that the cables remain protected and undisturbed. 


Frequently Asked Questions about Dado Trunking 


1. How does Dado Trunking differ from traditional cable management methods? 

Dado Trunking offers dedicated compartments and channels for cables, promoting organised and streamlined cable management. Traditional methods often involve loose cables, leading to confusion and safety hazards. 

2. Can Dado Trunking be used in different environments? 

Yes, Dado Trunking is versatile and can be used in various environments, including commercial, industrial, and residential settings. Its adaptability makes it a suitable choice for different cable organisation needs. 

3. Is Dado Trunking a cost-effective solution? 

While the initial investment in Dado Trunking may be higher than traditional methods, its long-term benefits, including improved organisation and reduced maintenance, often outweigh the initial costs. 

4. Does Dado Trunking support future cable additions? 

Absolutely. Dado Trunking is designed with flexibility in mind. It can accommodate future cable additions and modifications without requiring extensive rework or disruptions. 



Dado Trunking is indeed a game-changer for cable organisations on building sites. Its benefits, ranging from streamlined cable management to improved safety standards, make it a preferred choice among cable and containment installers. By embracing this innovation, project managers can expect increased efficiency, reduced hazards, and enhanced organisation. As the construction industry continues to evolve, Dado Trunking is a testament to the positive impact of well-designed cable management solutions. 

If you want to take a closer look at our range of Dado trunking, click here. If you want to contact or find out more about this blog posts author, Paul Russell, click here.
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